How should you store wood?
This very much depends on what kind of wood you have, is it freshly sawn or artificially dried?
Freshly sawn:
When a tree is felled, there is still a lot of wood moisture in the trunk, sometimes as much as 50%. After the trunk has been sawn clean, in our case planks are cut from it. The boards are lifted and dried in the wind for 2 to 3 weeks. Now the boards can be planed and impregnated if necessary. It is understandable that if this wood is now stored in a closed shed, the risk of mould is very high. It is therefore desirable to store the wood under a roof. In this way, direct sunlight does not dry the fabric too quickly and the wind can pass through it nicely. You can often recognise freshly sawn wood by the fact that it is battened every layer or every two layers.
Artificially dried wood (KD 14-18 %)
Nadat er planken van de schoon gezaagde boom zijn gezaagd, gaat het hout de droog oven in. The wood is dried back to a moisture content of 14 to 18 %. After drying, the desired finishing can be done. However, storing KD wood is much easier. In the open air, wrapped in foil (to prevent discolouration of the wood) under a roof or in a closed shed, anything is possible. You can often recognise KD wood because it is battened every 5 or more layers.